  • Total Settled $7,100
  • Total Offline $1,200
  • Grand Total $8,300
  • Total Pending $6,011
  • Total Donors 3
  • Messages Sent (May) 0
  • Subscribers 1
Your campaign activity shows "Fundraising and Crowdfunding" campaigns
Keyword Name Shortcode Type Pledged Pending Settled Offline Total
helpkobe 805208 Fundraising $1,209,883 $250,000 $525,362 $135,587 $660,949
AnotherKeyword 805208 Fundraising $1.03 $0.00 $0.00 $1.03 $1.03
kobe 805208 Fundraising $57,478 $200 $0.00 $21,970 $21,970
newkeyword 806075 Crowdfunding $10.34 $0.34 $0.00 $10.68 $10.68
Thisisalongkeyw 806075 Crowdfunding $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Keyword Name Shortcode Type Subscribers
helpkobe 51555 Subscriptions 5
GoClippers 51555 One Time Response 8
kobe 51555 One Time Response 10
newkeyword 51555 Subscriptions 10
Thisisalongkeyw 51555 Subscriptions 10
Keyword Name Shortcode Type Number of Submissions
helpkobe 41444 Non Payment 50 Entries
GoClippers 91999 Non Payment 124 Entries
kobe 91999 Non Payment 523 Entries
newkeyword 41444 Non Payment 5 Entries
Thisisalongkeyw 41444 Non Payment 84 Entries